Velvet Sofa How Do You Remove Red Wine Stains From A Tee Shirt And Velvet Sofa?

How do you remove red wine stains from a tee shirt and velvet sofa? - velvet sofa

Please let me know. Thank you!


Emily B said...

When my mother was upset the white wine, red wine gave to my mother about this, it seems to neutralize the redness, and a fairy liquid elbow grease and good old times, very good washing machine, hot water and a cloth away in a few minutes . xx

Vendor Hippo said...

It depends on how old is your place, but this is the best solution for the future spills. Amazing but true, if one red wine on everything you need to immediately pour the stained area with white wine spill (while still wet). The stain will come out and, in general, even if they hard to make is worth the loss of white wine.


Vendor Hippo said...

It depends on how old is your place, but this is the best solution for the future spills. Amazing but true, if one red wine on everything you need to immediately pour the stained area with white wine spill (while still wet). The stain will come out and, in general, even if they hard to make is worth the loss of white wine.


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